Tiny red and pink dresden trim

Matte olive dresden trim

Red dresden, crimped
A wonderful store with unique collage elements. Not only do they ship quickly but your order comes with a little favor pack of collage elements and wrapped in festive paper. It was a joy to open!
What is a Dresden?
A Dresden, or German scrap is a paper foil trim or ornament which is intricately embossed and die cut. Typical designs are stars, borders and flowers. The foil doily used in baking would qualify as a dresden. They are often seen in white, silver and gold. Gold being the most common.
Dresdens are useful to trim ornaments, boxes, cards and in doll house applications. I sought them for trimming my paper doll clothes and my tiny shoes. I was delighted to find paper trim in the scales and designs I wanted. The tiny is really, really tiny. (Yeah!) And the icing on the cake is that Collage Stuff has it in the yummiest colors. I chose pink, purple, matte olive, brown and red.
These beautiful trims are easy to use. They take glue well because of their stout paper stock.
They can be crimped to follow curves simply by pinching with your fingernails. Some larger trims can be cut down to fit the scale of a project.
The examples above are all trims. Individual motifs like birds or keys or moons are also available for a unique embellishment to paper craft.